We have reached our second goal!!! Our hearts are FULL of hope and and our eyes are filled with incredibly joyful tears. There just are not words to describe how this makes us feel. To every person who donated, purchased "brave little cowboy" gear, or has ever prayed for our son, our family, and for all warriors- we ask God daily to bless each and everyone of your beautiful souls. We are wholeheartedly and eternally grateful for these blessings. The ability to bring hope to our hearts and to others through this heartache is indescribable. With so much love and gratitude Jim, Channon, Nash & Spence

Spencer Lunnen CHOC Fundraiser
The Brave Little Cowboy
The Brave Little Cowboy
We are the Lunnen family. Our youngest son, Spencer Joel Lunnen, was diagnosed at 4 years old this April with Stage 3 Wilms Tumor- a rare kidney cancer that primarily effects children. While Spencer has shown unbelievable bravery and resilience throughout his battle...the inevitable struggles that come with battling cancer as a kid have been absolutely devastating to our whole family.
The care our son has received at CHOC has been such a saving grace in this journey. Knowing our son is in the best hands possible has been, at times, the only comfort we have had. Our goal is to not only show our unending appreciation, but also to move towards a day when no child will have to endure this awful disease. We also want to support the families who have financial hardships on top of their children fighting for their lives.
We will be matching every donation up to the first $10,000, with a goal of raising $25,000. These donations will be used directly for CHOC childhood cancer research as well as assisting CHOC families in need with their medical expenses.
To view Spencer's story and to follow his journey, please visit his caring bridge website here. caringbridge.org/public/spencerjoellunnen
NOW AVAILABLE - "The Brave Little Cowboy" Shirts and Hats with sale proceeds going directly to CHOC
We could never fully express how much this cause means to us and how we are forever grateful for every single donation. May God bless each and every one of you.
With Love,
Jim, Channon, Nash and Spencer Lunnen
To all the families battling pediatric cancer, we stand with you and we pray your hearts are filled with hope and peace. Remember to stay #StrongLikeSpencer
Family, friends, and to those whom we don't even know personally- because of your incredibly generous and HUGE hearts we hit our 25,000 dollar goal sooner than we ever thought possible!!! Knowing that we still have many people asking about donations we have decided to increase our fundraising goal to 35,000. This is incredible! You're all inspiring us, filling our hearts with love, and providing hope for us as well as all pediatric cancer families. May God bless every single one of you. You're helping us all to stay "StrongLikeSpencer". With so much love and gratitude, Jim, Channon, Nash & Spence