Making Spirits Bright
Support Spiritual Care at CHOC this Holiday
Support Spiritual Care at CHOC this Holiday
This holiday season, many of us will be surrounded by loved ones enjoying the traditions and rituals we hold dear. But for many families, they won't be able to celebrate together.
In lieu of gifts you may consider to give us this holiday season, we ask you to consider designating a gift to the Spiritual Care Department at Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). CHOC cares about the patients’ and their families’ spiritual and emotional well-being. Many families find it comforting to be able to practice their faith in the hospital, especially with holidays like Yom Kippur, Diwali, Mawlid, Hanukkah and Christmas coming soon.
Your generous donation will help the Spiritual Care Department provide:
• Sacred texts from a variety of faiths, prayer rugs, rosaries, daily bread and other religious materials
• Multi-media, faith-based resources on a variety of subjects for patients, siblings and parents including religious support on grief, trauma, recovery and loss.
• Sponsor a Family Dinner in the hospital during a holiday like Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, etc.
100% of your donations will afford the Spiritual Care Department at CHOC the opportunity to serve the diverse spiritual practices for families who are unable to celebrate in the comfort of their homes or with their community.
Thank you,
The Torres Two <3
