Invest in Innovation at CHOC
CHOC One Wish Grants
CHOC One Wish Grants
If You Had One Wish to Solve Pediatric Healthcare’s Greatest Challenges, What Would It Be?
At CHOC, we support a culture of innovation that not only encourages our employees and physicians to dream up life-changing ideas but also supports their development into fully functional programs.
Founded by the CHOC Foundation and its Board of Directors, One Wish Grants help develop these exceptional ideas of CHOC physicians and staff by awarding grants ranging from $5,000 to $250,000. Innovator teams teams go through a rigorous selection process including a highly competitive pitch competition.
Please help support CHOC One Wish Grants by making a contribution to our fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Your philanthropy supports revolutionary solutions to elevate pediatric health care in areas such as leading-edge technology, pioneering research and family-centered care. Every dollar raised will advance CHOC's great cause!
To learn more about One Wish Grants, visit our website at choc.org/supportonewishgrants.
Additionally, you can ask us how you can get involved too.
Invest in innovation. Become a Wish Granter.